Lifestyle has gone through a marked change with the crash of all things virtual. Led by the Internet, the advertising and financial worlds hit a brick wall last winter and are only now figuring out how to rebuild new ground. From the remains of the turmoil emerged a collection of spy gear with an eye beyond the on-line world. Beverly Hills based Charmed Technology, backed by a bevy of hi-tech sponsors from Motorola to Red Herring, has been staging their "Brave New Unwired World" of fashion shows from New York to Hong Kong, featuring wearable gadgets that allow
wireless Internet communication to the forwardly mobile. Co-founded by former spy, Katrina Barillova and MIT whiz kid/CEO Alex Lightman, the company's offerings are destined to update the way in which regular folk communicate. Offerings include a Charmed Badge that communicates á la Palm Pilot with fellow bejewelled badge wearers and the voice activated Charmed Communicator: a broadband and wireless Internet device that can also provide image capture capabilities to its fashionable users.
Go wireless. Get Charmed.
In a world where HBO's Sex in the City has more influence on American style than the collections, anything is possible. Happy trails until fall.